Tickets & Prices

for pure mountain pleasure

All tickets & prices at a glance

Summer rates

Between Rote Wand, Stubwies and Warscheneck, the Wurzeralm is a small but beautiful vacation paradise in the mountain summer.
Whether on a leisurely hike or a challenging mountain bike tour: get to know and love the Pyhrn-Priel region!
You can find an overview of your tickets to unforgettable summer moments below.
Plus: More information on group rates and the Pyhrn-Priel Cards season tickets.


Pyhrn-Priel Card

Die Pyhrn-Priel Card ist eine tolle Möglichkeit, das Wandern in Oberösterreich voll und ganz zu genießen. Euch erwarten zahlreiche Gratisleistungen und Ermäßigungen von der Anreise bis zur Abreise!

Pyhrn-Priel Cards